Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Ideas on Evaluating a Home Business Opportunity

There are lots of sites out there offering to help you work from home.  Make sure you do your homework before buying into any home business program.  Some programs offer ways to set up a website, promote others’ products, and receive a commission.  I looked at some of those, but my lack of computer geek skills made the concept too intimidating.  I thought about Pampered Chef, but I lack the cooking skills and the time to do their demonstrations.  A friend approached me about Stream Energy and Ignite, their marketing division.  I groaned and immediately dismissed the idea, but eventually I took a look at their program, and it started to make sense.  I was looking for something that I could put 5 to 10 hours a week into when I had free time.  Also, the appeal grew when I realized I was not selling a product but rather a service with a savings.  Not having to push products was a huge plus. 

If you are looking to start a home business here a few things to think about:
1.  How much time can you devote to it each week?
2.  What skills do you already have that will help you succeed?
3.  What skills do you need to develop to succeed and how will you develop them?
4.  What are you passionate about?  Are there programs out there that fit your passions?
5.  What are your personal and financial goals for your business?
6.  Do your homework.  Read blogs of successful home business people.  What are they doing right? 
7.  Look for a coach – someone who has had success in the business and is willing to teach you.
8.  Don’t be afraid to fail, fail, fail, fail…eventually you will succeed.
9.  Remember: DO it don’t just TRY it!

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