Tuesday, December 27, 2011

You are your most important investment!

As we head toward the New Year, it is common practice to evaluate ourselves and to even resolve to make changes.  While we can recognize areas of our lives that need improvement, why is it that so many of our resolutions turn into wishful thinking instead of genuine change?  The reality is that change is hard!  I have heard it said that it only takes a moment to start a bad habit, but it can take a lifetime to break it.  Some psychologists estimate that it takes 5 to 6 weeks to establish a new habit.  So, not only do we need to evaluate what we need to change in our lives, but we also have to have a plan in place to promote the change.

Recently, I made a significant investment in myself by taking a course that included several weeks of life coaching.  (I think that coaching is the new word for mentoring.)  I have been a bit surprised by how helpful it has been at keeping me focused and motivated toward change.  Each week my coach helps me establish new goals for the next week, and knowing that I will have to give an account to my coach motivates me to get my list done.  Accountability is a huge motivator for change.  I really should not be surprised by how helpful coaching has been.  In essence, as a professional counselor, it is what I have been doing for the last twenty years for all of my clients. 

So, let me recommend that you consider hiring a life coach in 2012, even if it is only for a few weeks.  Look at the cost as an investment in yourself.  How much would you pay for a better you?  We all need someone to cheer us on and to tell us what we need to do differently and how to do it.  Then, once you are moving in a positive direction, pass it on by finding someone else to coach and encourage.  The blessings of doing so are too many to count!

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